Brick Block and Paver Making Plant

Brick Block and Paver Making Plant


2400Bricks/Hour (19200 Bricks/Shift)
Today’s economic environment is very challenging and dynamic. At some time the demand and price for certain product may raise, at the time the demand and price for the other product may fall. By keeping this fact in mind and to take best advantage of such situation in construction industry Sumeet Hydraulic Machineries came up with this special model to serve its valuable customers with combine solution for Making Bricks, Blocks and Paver in one machine. Sumeet Hydraulic Machineries do provide customise solution in model of Bricks/Blocks/Paver Making Machine.
Building Material Production Capacity Size & Design
Brick 2400Bricks/Hour (19200 Bricks/Shift) 230mm X 110mm X 75mm
Block 960 Blocks/Hour (7680 Blocks/Shift) 400mm X 200mm X 100mm
Paver 1080 Pavers/Hour (8640 Pavers/Shift) Zigzag, I- Dumble, Basil etc.